• Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00
  • One stop auto service LTD ,10a Sherman road, Bromley
  • +44 02036204012

Fuel Service Plus – Fully Synthetic

Fuel Service Plus - Fully Synthetic

Did you know a dirty engine could be costing you money? Contaminants in your fuel and oil system can hamper fuel efficiency, increase emissions, and put a big strain on your wallet.

Book your car in for our Fuel Service Plus with Fully Synthetic Oil and banish those engine nasties. Our technicians use professional-grade products to clean the engine oil system and fuel system, helping to reduce oil consumption and burn fuel more efficiently.

Our fuel and oil cleaning service also includes an oil change and a replacement oil filter, fitted by our expert technicians.

Why should I get a Fuel Service+?

Our fuel and oil system service goes way beyond just cleaning. It includes a whole range of checks and services designed to improve fuel efficiency and reduce engine oil consumption. For example, we’ll look at tyre pressure, brakes and clutch too, and we carry out emissions checks before and after the service to show you how it’s helped.

What does the service include?

The Fuel Service+ includes all the engine cleaning benefits of our Fuel Service, as well as:

  • Full oil and filter change – our experts fit an original-spec oil filter, and fill your car up with brand-new semi synthetic parsautos oil
  • Car oil service – we use a special cleaning treatment to improve the performance of your oil system

How long does it take?

Our Fuel Service+ takes approximately an hour.

Why should I get a Fuel Service+?

Our fuel and oil system service goes way beyond just cleaning. It includes a whole range of checks and services designed to improve fuel efficiency and reduce engine oil consumption. For example, we’ll look at tyre pressure, brakes and clutch too, and we carry out emissions checks before and after the service to show you how it’s helped.

What does the service include?

The Fuel Service+ includes all the engine cleaning benefits of our Fuel Service, as well as:

  • Full oil and filter change – our experts fit an original-spec oil filter, and fill your car up with brand-new semifully synthetic parsautos oil
  • Car oil service – we use a special cleaning treatment to improve the performance of your oil system

How long does it take?

Our Fuel Service+ takes approximately an hour.

What's Included?

Emissions Check We test your emissions and how efficiently your car is burning fuel
Fuel System Cleaner Cleans your fuel system to make sure it burns fuel more efficiently
Tyre Pressure Incorrectly inflated tyres waste fuel. We’ll ensure they’re at the right pressure and check that they are in good condition
Oil We check that your engine’s oil level is correct
Coolant Check that your engine’s coolant level is correct
Brakes We’ll check they’re not ‘binding’ and in turn waste fuel
Clutch Check Check that your clutch is functioning properly
Road Test Putting your car to the test on the road to make sure it’s working at its best
Emissions Re-Check We’ll re-check your car to show you tde difference the Fuel Service makes to emissions
Oil System Cleaner A special treatment that cleans the oil system in your engine
Oil Change Brand new parsautos oil
Oil Filter Change A brand new oil filter, expertly fitted

*The fuel burning efficiency of your car will be measured by the amount of hydrocarbons (unburnt fuel) emitted from the exhaust. A before and after emission/diesel smoke test will be carried out on your car. If there is no improvement between the before and after emissions/diesel smoke test, you will not have to pay for the Fuel Service carried out on your car.