• Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00
  • One stop auto service LTD ,10a Sherman road, Bromley
  • +44 02036204012

Duxback – Whole Car

Duxback - Whole Car

Duxback is a professional-quality car glass treatment that makes driving safer.

Originally developed for the airline industry, it stops water beading on glass, dramatically improving visibility in rain. In fact, if you’re driving over 40mph, you won’t even need wipers – the water runs straight off!

What’s more, it makes cleaning much easier, and prevents frost sticking to your windscreen in winter.

The Whole Car treatmeant includes the windscreen, side windows and rear window.

Book your Duxback treatment now and see the benefits for yourself.

Does Duxback work?

Research has shown that Duxback can increase visibility by 35% in pouring rain. What’s more, this revolutionary car windscreen treatment improves the driver’s ability to identify a small object by 25%.

In winter time, ice will either not stick to the glass or will be much easier to remove, thanks to the product’s hydrophobic qualities. It even makes it easier to remove squashed bugs!

What's included?

Our technicians will professionally apply the Duxback treatment to the windscreen and front sides of your car, providing you with a safer and more convenient driving experience.

How long will it take?

You should allow one hour for the windscreen treatment.

How long does Duxback last?

Your treatment will last for about six months.